The Sponsored Research Unit is managed by Tamar Gibor who holds a master's degree in public health and has been working at the SCRC for over a decade, managing more than 80 clinical trials annually.
The sponsored research unit collaborates with major pharmaceutical companies and CROs, including IQVIA, PRA, ROCHE, BAYER and others.
The sponsored research team includes:
- 15 study coordinators, who are in direct contact with the companies, the medical staff, and the patients
- Phlebotomists, who collect and process biological samples, take vital signs and perform ECG
- Ethics committee (IRB) Submissions Coordinator
- CTAs who assist in the administrative aspects of the research
- Research financing coordinators, who are responsible for the financial aspects of the research
Recently, a new area of research of cell therapy started, with Dr. Uri Greenbaum overseeing the establishment of a local laboratory and connecting with potential trials.
Please do not hesitate to contact us directly.